Important update: Covid 19

Important update: Covid 19

by Rob Ayres -
Number of replies: 0

In light of the government’s decision to impose a 14-day self-isolation period for ALL travellers arriving in NZ from overseas (excluding the Pacific Islands) effective from midnight Sunday 15 March 2020, we would like to remind all students that if you are returning from overseas we would ask you NOT to come on campus for the required 14-day period. Carey has options to allow any student to study from home for all weekly-taught courses, and we are currently working on contingencies for block courses.

Please also remember, if you have been in close contact with anyone who has recently returned from overseas who subsequently (within one month) exhibits symptoms of being unwell (including cough, sore throat or a raised temperature) – then please take steps to self-isolate for 14 days as per government health recommendations, and let us know.

Regardless, if you are unwell and develop a runny nose, cough, sore throat or raised temperature, please stay at home and do not come in for classes. Please also let us know so we can be aware and ensure that you are able to access course resources as necessary. Thank you for your care and consideration for each other at this time. Continue to be in prayer for our nation and its leaders as we navigate these times. We will endeavor to keep you informed as the situations evolves over the next few days and weeks.

Ngā mihi nui