CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S1 Week 4

CareyWeekly Newsletter 2023 S1 Week 4

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Here to Support You

Have you chatted with our Paihere Student Support team? Tanya and Eugene are phenomenal people, and their role at Carey is to help support you academically and pastorally. They specialise in care for Māori and Pasifika students, but they are always available to serve and encourage all our students.

Also remember that you can talk with any of the library team if you have any questions or support needs.


Staff Location Update

From this week, Tanya and Eugene's office will move from the Library to Te Whare Oranga. They're just as keen to meet with you as they ever were, but hopefully you will find them even more visible and accessible in their new location. Stop by for a chat--it might just change your life!


If you are worried about getting your assessments done in time and would like to request an extension, please contact Neroli Hollis, and complete an Application for Extension form.

Karakia this Tuesday

Join us in the chapel or join us via Zoom for worship together. Jordyn will be sharing with us.

Meeting ID: 962 7072 5701.

We can't wait to see you!

Join via Zoom!

First Steps Deadline Nears 

If you're a new student and haven't yet, please complete the First Steps course on CareyOnline. The deadline is only ONE WEEK AWAY (Monday, 3 April), so get to it if you haven't comepleted it.

E-book Code Breaking Competition

Congratulations to Kerry for winning the previous code-breaking competition. The Library are running another, and submissions are due Wednesday, 5 April. The winner will be announced Thursday, 6 April.

Crack the Code

Community Lunches

Come along for meaningful connection and whakawhanaungatanga for on-site students and staff during our weekly community lunches on Mondays at 12.15pm and Tuesdays just after karakia at 12pm.

Also, please stick around to help tidy up--it's an ODD week next week!

Good Friday March of Witness

On Friday, 7 April, join with Auckland city churches and campus chaplaincies for the Good Friday March of Witness. The procession will begin at St Andrew's First Presbyterian Church at 8.30am and venture through city streets for reflections at stations of the cross.

A service of reflection and contemplation will take place at St Andrew's Church at 11 am, following the march.

You are invited to participate, and also attend a Maundy Thursday Eucharist on 6 April at 7pm.