Covid-19 Update 5 March: Week 2 classes

Covid-19 Update 5 March: Week 2 classes

Rob Ayres發表於
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Kia ora koutou

The government has just announced that Auckland will return to Covid-19 Level 2 as of 6am Sunday 7th March. This means we will return to onsite classes – reverting to our “normal” semester one Timetable. The campus will be open, as will the library.

Level 2 for tertiary teaching organisations means no size restrictions for teaching and classes. Other gatherings (lunch etc) are limited to groups of 100. If you are coming on campus, please scan the Covid Tracer App AND ALSO sign in (using the tablets or paper sign-in forms). For week two:

·       The library will be open as usual.

·       Monday Tuesday lunches will proceed (with appropriate hygiene measures and distancing protocols).

·       Tuesday formation (training tacks) will proceed as normal onsite, Tuesday Chapel will be ONLINE (Zoom)

For classes:

Onsite classes as per schedule ( eg: Monday morning Luke 10:30am, Te Ao / S&T 2:30pm and Apologetics 6:30 pm)

Zooms sessions as per Week 2 (Even week) timetable (eg: Monday Te Ao and Apologetics Zoom sessions proceed at 1:30pm)

Please refer to your CareyOnline courses for specific information from your teaching team. If you have specific questions about your classes, please contact your teacher.
Please scan the Covid Tracer APP, and sign in and out when coming on campus.
Where possible please practice physical distancing of at least 1m (as per MoH guidelines for tertiary)
If you feel unwell, please stay home.

If you have vulnerable whanau members or feel uncomfortable coming in to campus under Level 2 – all classes will be recorded as normal and there will also be the opportunity to Zoom in to the two hours classes at the scheduled class time (this will be in addition to the scheduled 45-minute Zoom class). Again, check your CareyOnline course for details.  
Stay safe. Ngā mihi nui.